Logo: Welcome to Sowton Village
The object of the 100 club membership is to raise money for the maintenance of Sowton Village Hall.
Applications may be accepted from persons over 18years of age.
Each member will be allocated a number for each share purchased.
Each member will be issued with a share certificate bearing their name and share number or numbers.
Shares cost £10 each payable before the 1st October each year.
The draw will take place during the second half of each month.
Winners will be notified and the results will be displayed on the Village notice board and WhatsApp.
Three prizes of £20 each will be paid by a committee member on production of the correct membership card.
Payment Methods
Cheques: made payable to Sowton Village Hall.
Bank Transfers to: Sort Code: 30-99-08 Account Number: 22007168
Page last updated - 23/10/2023
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